
  • Sompong Suntorndham Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Sman Ngamsnit Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Surin Niyamangkoon Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Development, Human capital, Municipality personnel, Trisikkha


Objectives of this dissertation were to study human capital development of Municipality personnel in Supanburi Province, to study factors affecting the human capital development of Municipality personnel in Supanburi Province and to propose the human capital development of Municipality personnel in Supanburi Province. Methodology used was the mixed methods: The quantitative method, data were collected from 400 samples who were Municipality personnel, employees and stakeholders with questionnaires that had reliability value at 0.952. Data were analyzed by frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviation, S.D. and one way ANOVA. The qualitative research, data were collected from 20 key informants with structured in-depth-interview script by face to face in-depth-interviewing and analyzed by descriptive interpretation. Data were also collected from 9 participants in focus group discussion to confirm the model after data analysis.

Findings were as follows: Human capital development of Municipality personnel in Supanburi Province according to Tisikkha were found at the high level. Factors affecting the human capital development were found consisted of 2 factors: External factors and Internal factors. Approaches to human capital development of municipality personnel in Supanburi Province according to Leonard Nadler’s principle and Tisikkha was at highly appropriate level with the mean value at 3.52. The aspect that was highly practiced was the municipalities promoted personnel to be trained for specific skills was at high level, 3.72. Municipalities had clear policy for personnel development was at high level. Municipalities organized monastery entering activities on the special occasion for training according to 5 Sila and 5 Dhamma with mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom training, by overall were at high level with the mean value ranging from 3.69 to 3.57.


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How to Cite

Suntorndham, S. ., Ngamsnit, S., & Niyamangkoon, S. (2023). HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT OF MUNICIPALITY PERSONNEL IN SUPANBURI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 12(4), 339–350. retrieved from