Paradigm, Public Administration, Buddhist DhammaAbstract
Management education is a pattern that has evolved in the West since the past. Specifically, public administration studies are defined or divided into conceptual groups or a theory that gives a deep understanding of the principles of education. In this paradigm, this paradigm is a hotbed of the concept of political evolution, which makes it important to be widely known and studied in all groups, and the authors have an opinion that in the study of paradigms for Thai society today, there are different ideas and society with a large number of Buddhists. Therefore, Buddhist principles should be used to analyze each knowledge of the paradigm as follows: the principle of Sappurisa-dhamma, the cause and effect of managing the organization should be used to form a fit in the organization. The use of principles of sovereignty and Rajasanghahavatthu to develop knowledge of public policy to achieve impartiality in society. Using the Tisikha principle to consider solving problems arising from learning. The use of papanika-dhamma principles to develop the organization to be a visionary, well-managed, humanistic person. Finally, the use of the principles of Titthadhammiattha, the benefit that requires neat management to keep the benefits, away from damage.
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