
  • Phra Voraphod Kunasampanno Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


process, Development model, Buddhist Heir


Objectives of this research were: 1. To study general condition of Model Religious Descendants of Sangha Order. 2. To study the process of Model Religious Descendants of Sangha Order. and 3. To propose the method of Model Religious Descendants of Sangha Order in Patum Thani Province

Findings were as follows: The development process of Model Religious Descendants of Sangha Order in Patum Thani Province consisted of the following process: Training process; there was curriculum for training monks from 1 to 5 rain retreats. Education process; following the Buddhist educational system, Dhamma and Pali Studies. Development process: there was plan for development activities for all personnel from administrators, teachers and educational personnel. Tisikkha process; Sila, the 227 rules for monks, Samadhi, the concentration of mind, mind training. Panna, emphasized the wisdom training for knowledge and understanding. The development method of the model Religious Descendants of Sangha Order in Patum Thani Province was based on the process of training, education, development, Tisikkha; Sila, Samadhi and Panna as follows: Training process, there must be training plan for each step of the training. Education process, there must be pattern, procedure and model of education for diffusion. Development process, there must be knowledge development in various fields in the organizations to achieve the set objectives in the following areas: 1) Personality, there should be appropriate personality, such as well mannered, smart looking, calm, controlled for those who were ordained to inspire the faith of those who meet. 2) Academics; there should be knowledge of Buddha’s history, Dhamma, Vinaya, practice and cessation. 3) Skill; self-developed to be skillful in communication. 4) Attitude; well wishing, wishful thinking for all world beings. 5) Creativity; professional administration integrated with creative method to arouse the Dhamma audiences to be eager and active to listen to the sermons.


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How to Cite

Kunasampanno, P. V. . (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF MODEL RELIGIOUS DESCENDANTS OF SANGHA ORDER IN PATHUMTHANI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 12(4), 259–270. retrieved from