Need Assessment, Developing Workplace SpiritualtyAbstract
Objectives of this researcharticle were: 1. To study the current state, the desirable state and needs assessment of developing workplace spirituality of teachers at Yothinburana school and 2. To study the methods of developing workplace spirituality of teachers at Yothinburana school by using the workplace spirituality conceptual framework and how to develop teachers. This study was conducted with descriptive method. The population was Yothinburana school and there were 115 informants, including school directors, deputy directors, assistance deputy directors, department heads, and teachers. The research instruments were the current state, desirable state, and need assessment questionnaires of developing workplace spirituality of Yothinburana school teachers and the Reliability was 0.956. The data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and PNI Modified PNIModified.
The results were found that: 1. the current and desirable state of developing workplace spirituality of teachers at Yothinburana school,by overall, were at the average level (M = 3.339, SD = 0.793) and the highest level (M = 4.87, SD = 0.354). The priority need index overall was 0.315 (PNI Modified = 0.315). When analyzed the first three items, Transcendence had the highest priority need (PNI Modified = 0.459) and Connection (PNI Modified = 0.326) was the second priority need. The lowest priority need was the Meaningful Work (PNI Modified = 0.319). 2. the methods of developing workplace spirituality of teachers at Yothinburana school consisted of 1. assignment for transcendence. 2. Professional Learning Community for connection. and 3. assignment for meaningful work respectively.
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