Political Development, Administration, Local Administrative OrganizationsAbstract
Objective of this research article were: 1. To study Political Development Affecting Administration, 2. To study components and factors of political development, and 3. To propose the model of political development that affected the administration of Local Administrative Organizations in Uthai Thani Province, conducted by the mixed research methods. The qualitative research, data were collected by in-depth-interviewing 18 key informants and the quantitative research, data were collected from 384 samples with questionnaire. Data were analyzed by describing the frequency distribution in the table.
The results of the research were as follows: 1. The general condition of the administration of Local Administrative Organizations in Uthai Thani province was found that the administration of local Administrative Organizations sometimes had interference from local politics, including management of people, budgets, and policies. People still participated but did not cooperate as they should. By overall, it was at a high level. 2. Political development components affected the administration of Local Administrative Organizations in Uthai Thani Province. Therefore, accepted the set research hypothesis with a statistically significant level of 0.001 and 3. The model of applying the principle of iApparihaniya-dhamma to promote management, by overall, was at a high level, with protection of good people, respecting for political landmarks, rights and freedoms to women. collective responsibility, adhere to compliance with regulations, unity and respect for political elders.
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