Democracy, Right and Freedom, ExpressionAbstract
Freedom of opinion and expression were the fundamental human freedom that should be enjoyed according to the principles of democratic governance. The right and freedom must be protected if the citizen acted under the country laws. This article was studied the public figures’ expression problems occurred in Thailand, the right and freedom of expression, including the future direction as well as the solutions. This study was found that public figures had the same right and freedom of expression as the general citizens but their opinions and participation in political activities widely effected on society and themselves,
such as, defamation, popularity drop, severe criticism from the public and legal action. Therefore, 4 future directions were set to open up the freedom of expression and the impact on public figures. Firstly, citizen should respect each other’s opinions. Secondly, public figures should impartially communicate, provide truthful information to the people. Thirdly, media should not be the middleman, not deprive the public figures’ right to express their opinions and not distort information. Finally, stage powers, laws and regulations of stage must not reduce right and freedom. Moreover, state must protect people and public figures’ expression together with fairly enforced law.
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