Knowledge Center, Process and Management on Temple, Community Learning CenterAbstract
Objectives of this research were to propose monastery development process and management as the community learning center in Nakhon Sawan Province. Methodology was the qualitative research collect data from documentary, from 60 key informants and 9 participants who were experts in focus group discussion, non-participatory observation and data was also analyzed by descriptive interpretation.
Findings were that the monastery management as the community learning centers in Nakhonsawan Province had 6 steps: 1) organizing a community forum for brainstorming 2) finding new knowledge in the community 3) planning to increase the community's knowledge value 4) creating a calendar of community learning activities 5) establishing service regulations and organizing social capital for the community and 6) network with other community learning centers, especially learning centers related to livelihood according to the sufficiency economy philosophy
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