Academic Leadership, Digital Era, School AdministratorAbstract
School administration at the basic education level today faces many challenges, especially during the pandemic situation of the Covid-19 virus. School administrators at the basic education level need to develop academic leadership in the digital era in terms of digital personal attributes, digital integrated mission administrations, and digital academic abilities. The guidelines to develop academic leadership in the digital era for school administrators can be implemented in variety of ways, both in terms of time spent in school administrators’ development dimension, the time associated with entering a position dimension, method dimension, application of digital technology dimension, and blended development dimension. These dimensions had integrated innovation and digital platforms to develop academic leadership in the digital era of school administrators as well as defining topics and issues to modernize and challenge educational management in this digital era. This would help school administrators have the readiness and potential to drive schools towards quality education for the development of learners in a digital social context as well as being able to systematically promote the competence and professional advancement of teachers and educational personnel. This development would lead to sustainable upgrading of the quality of education management and learners’ learning effectiveness in the future.
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