Development Model, Temple Development, Activities 5 SAbstract
The objectives of this research article were: 1. To study the general condition of the 5 S’s. Research was conducted with the mixed methods. Qualitative research, data were collected from 22 key informants, purposefully selected with in-depth interviews and from 11 participants in focus group discussion. Data were analyzed by descriptive interpretation. The quantitative research collected data from 250 samples by multistage sampling with questionnaires. Data were analyzed using social science statistical programs.
The results of the research were as follows: 1. The general condition of the development of temples according to the 5’S guidelines, which is the main policy of the Sangha and supported by government agencies to drive. Problems and obstacles are monks lacking knowledge in monastery management, lacking of budget and personnel in the operation, 2. Components of the measurement development according to the 5’S. should be surveyed and planned development with participation in planning in the development and accounting of appliances, and then recruiting personnel and assigning tasks. as well as creating a network of partners to exchange knowledge, then following up on the development results and recording the data in a systematic way. 3. Measure development model according to the 5’S. By eliminating unnecessary things and organizing the placement of things in order to be easily accessible. In addition, sweeping and cleaning should always be maintained. The first 3’S. should be hygienic, well-ventilated, not spreading germs. The first 4’S. should be maintained regularly until it becomes a habit.
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