
  • Worapong Wogsakul Western University
  • Suebpong Suksom Western University


National Land Policy, Land Allocation to Agriculturists Under Government Policy, Inequality


This research article aimed to study: 1. The national land policy in national reserved forest area that affected area-based agriculturists of Kanchanaburi Province. 2. The impact of the national land policy implementation in national reserved forest area in Kanchanaburi Province; and 3. The guidelines for developing policy to solve the spatial inequality of agriculturists, conducted by the qualitative research. There were 35 key informants including 1) 25 administrators of government agencies and related organizations and experts in the field; 2) 6 agriculturists, community leaders, and agricultural leaders; and 3) 4 representatives from private sectors in Kanchanaburi Province as stakeholders. Data were collected and analyzed by documentary research, in-dept interview, and focus group discussion.

The research results showed that: 1. The national land policy in national reserved forest area that affected area-based agriculturists in Kanchanaburi Province was the land allocation for agriculture under the Department of Land was not sufficient for public need. Moreover, the land allocation in Kanchanaburi is still in process. 2. Regarding the impact of policy implementation, it was found that the policies and laws applicable to land utilization were unclear due to incomplete implementation. 3 The guidelines for developing policy to solve the spatial inequality problem of agriculturists where the agriculturist database should be built to encourage more access of information. The development should be integrated for good achievement for agriculturists and efficiency of land policy management.


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How to Cite

Wogsakul, W., & Suksom, S. (2024). NATIONAL LAND POLICY AFFECTING SPATIAL INEQUALITY OF AGRICULTURISTS. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 13(2), 29–43. retrieved from