
  • Kanrawee Kornnark Chiang Mai University
  • Pornsiri Suebpongsung Chiang Mai University
  • Prathanthip Kramol Chiang Mai University


Mango export logistics costs, logistics management, Activity base costs


Objectives of this research article were: 1. To study the cost analysis of Barracuda mango for export, 2. To study the management of logistic cost of Barracuda mango for export, Phrao District, Chiang Mai Province using the questionnaires and interviews from key informants of 4 people; 3 heads of enterprises collecting produce and 1 exporter using an activity-based cost analysis to analyze logistics costs.

The results of the analysis revealed that 1. the performance of the key informants differed. But it operated in the same way, was receiving raw materials through the management process and then forwarding them to customers. 2. Each key contributor had different logistics costs, because the volume of purchases and management of operations within the business were different. Collectors and exporters had average logistics costs of 4-6 and 77.75 baht per kilogram respectively. Business operations needed to focus on the quality of products, packaging, and the use of cars and planes as vehicles. With the economic component of the country affecting the overall cost was higher. and. 3. establishing guidelines for cost reductions through advanced transportation management planning, controlling the exact amount of inventory and increase the number of acquisitions and production capacity to help reduce overall costs.


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How to Cite

Kornnark, K., Suebpongsung, P., & Kramol, P. (2023). LOGISTICS COSTS OF BARRACUDA MANGO FOR EXPORT, PHRAO DISTRICT, CHIANG MAI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 12(6), 90–104. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/259455