
  • Thunyapruet Fongdawirat Chiang Mai University


Sound Installation Art, Chiangmai, Multi-Culturalism


This dissertation is a research article of project entitled Sound Installation Art. The objectives of this study are to study the sound produced by religious activities and rituals in Chiang Mai Municipality and to create works of Sound Installation Art. The study reflects the multiculturalism of Chiang Mai. The researcher has studied the information from the document, concept, theory, research, and related works of art with the scope of content that is the study of sounds from rituals, including religious activities of each religion or the religious sites in Chiang Mai Municipality and creating sound installation arts. There is a field trip to record audio and collect data for analysis in terms of inspiration that leads to the conceptualization of concepts, content, stories, and techniques for creating works of art, creating an audio prototype, visual arts, as well as a plan for the placement of works to develop into the creativity of Sound Installation Art that consists of sculptures created by using printed various religious patterns on acrylic sheets that install speakers and a smart light bulb that changes color by controlling from a Mobile Application is installed, and the animation graphics are presented on the television screen. All these works are arranged according to directions and positions based on the Chiang Mai Municipality city plan through the presentation in the form of Museum Art Space and Digital Exhibition as an alternative for the audience.


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How to Cite

Fongdawirat, T. (2024). CHIANGMAI, A MULTI-CULTURALISM TOWN. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 13(2), 217–230. retrieved from