
  • Piyathip Eawpanich Christian University
  • Phaisarn Jantarungsri Christian University
  • Chisanupong Thongpuang Christian University


Work passion, Park ranger, Protected areas


Objectives of this study this study were of tow: 1. To study the job patterns of Thai park rangers and 2. To identify the attributes of their work dedications, conducted by the qualitative research. Data were collected with semi-structured in-depth-interview script from 23 key informants who worked as park rangers for more than 10 years at national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and non-hunting areas. Collected data were analyzed by the researcher. 

The research findings revealed that apart from patrolling, Thai park rangers delivered at least 12 other tasks once assigned. They understood and were aware of the differences in their benefits and state-provided welfare, due to types of job contract. They were happy and dedicated to their works. The study was found their work dedication comprised 8 attributes, namely, aware of their meaningful works, love to be park ranger, love their duties, organizational identity, connectedness to leader, connectedness to colleagues, organizational socialization, and openness to experience personal trait. 


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How to Cite

Eawpanich, P., Jantarungsri, P., & Thongpuang, C. . (2023). ATTRIBUTES OF THAI PARK RANGERS’ WORK DEDICATION. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 12(3), 135–149. retrieved from