Management strategy, Non-formal private learning center, Basic educationAbstract
The research used mixed methods with the objectives of: 1. To study the demand and interest of private basic level for the non-formal education learning center management strategies at the system and 2. To study the management strategies of private basic level non-formal education learning centers. The population used for the quantitative research were was stakeholders at the learning center, consisted of 337 people using stratified random sampling. The instruments used for data collection were a 5-level rating scale questionnaire, a semi-structured interview script, and a strategy evaluation form using a focus group discussion. The data were analyzed by qualitative content analysis using PNI, SWOT Analysis, and TOWS Matrix. The strategy draft was reviewed using a strategy assessment form.
Research findings were as follows: 1. the learning center still lacked development in management, teacher training and development, and technical support. Students did not recognize the importance of continuing education and interests, as the learning centers needed to have management system and modern technology for learning, and 2. Study the learning center management strategies to suit the needs priority under the "DTPP Strategies: Development, Training, Promotion, and Public Relations."
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