
  • PHITHAKPOL PREECHACHART Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


A Buddhist Law, Evolution, Value, Juristic Method


This research article aims to Study the evolution of natural religions before the emergence of the Eastern Aryan Indian civilization. Bringing Ethical Religious Values ​​to the Religion of the People and the jurisprudence of bringing Dharma verses into the law of the Thai city-state and respect for spirits and ancestors in Thai society. Qualitative Research Methods by researching documents from books, textbooks, academic articles Internet information, including legends, tales, stories in the scriptures and scriptures to analyze the information that will cause controversy in another aspect along with evidence for the benefit of future legal history studies

The results of the study showed that, on one hand, the evolution of the natural religion before the Indian civilization of the Eastern Aryans derived from cavemen that believed in the spirits and respect for ancestors. Based on archaeological evidence, burial of the cavemen was the evolution of the respect from for spirits to the natural religion in the pre-historical period when the Aryans discovered essence of advanced mind practice and developed that into the ethics religion. On the other hand, Buddhist religion, as a religion of practice, had arrived in, along with inscriptions of sacred command or Dhamma Ongkan, this region during the reign of Asoka the great and then destroyed local, original faith of various tribes of Tai people. It can be deduced Dhamma Ongkan has become the Buddhist society that Thai people believe in jurisprudence leading to the peaceful society. Nevertheless, it was recommended jurists and those in the field of law pay attention to the study and application of Buddhist thoughts in drafting a law.


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How to Cite

PREECHACHART, P. (2022). A BUDDHIST LAW: EVOLUTION, VALUE AND JURISTIC METHOD MAKING. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 11(5), R178-R191. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/258235