Model, Management, Learning resources of small-sized schools.Abstract
Objectives of this research were to create and assess the model for learning resources management of small-sized schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission. The research was conducted in 4 phases as follows: Phase I, studied by using a questionnaire. The samples were 616 administrators and academic teachers were obtained by several steps at random and in-depth interviews with 3 model schools. Phase II created a Model. The results of analysis, content, questionnaires, in-depth interviews and examined by 15 experts based on average level of suitability and possibility. Phase III experimented with the model. The target group was 1 small school by specific selection. Phase IV, evaluated the model by using the model assessment form with educational personnel and 15 people involved in the experimental school. The statistics used in the research were mean, percentage, standard deviation and qualitative data were analyzed by content descriptive interpretation.
Results were that the management model of learning resources of small-sized schools Under the Office of the Basic Education Commission consisted as follows: 1) Natural learning resources. 2) Personal learning resources. 3) Place for learning resources and 4) Learning resources that were media and technology, activities, and traditions. There were elements of learning resource management. The results were: 1) planning consisted of policy and work plan formulation, survey and project determination. 2) Practice consisted of operations and in -process evaluation. 3) Assessment consisted of collecting information on results of operations and reporting of performance
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