Behavior, Cyber bullied, Creative thinking abilityAbstract
Objectives of this research article were to: 1. Study cyber bullied behaviors of undergraduate students of faculty of Education and 2. Compare creative thinking abilities scores of undergraduate students between group of students who were highly bullied and group of students who were lowly bullied. The participants were 600 undergraduate students of 11 departments of faculty of education. They were randomly chosen by Proportional Stratified Random Sampling design. The groups of students were separated into two group of highly bullied and group of lowly bullied. Each group has 162 participants. The research instruments were questionnaire tested by Cronbach's alpha coefficient method with the reliability value at 0.98 and the creative thinking abilities test which had been tested by Kuder-Richardson 20. The reliability value was at 0.81.
The research results where the cyber bullied behaviors of undergraduate students were low. (Ranges = 1.80 - 2.59) and the undergraduate students who were lowly bullied group had creative thinking abilities score higher than students who were highly bullied group with the statistically significant level at 0.05
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