Political socialization, Democratic behavior, Sappurisadhamma 7Abstract
Objectives of this research paper were: 1. To study the level of political socialization and democratic behavior, 2. to study the relationship between political socialization and democratic behavior and 3. To apply Sappurisadhamma 7 for promoting democratic behavior. Methodology was the mixed methods: The quantitative research used questionnaires as a tool to collect data from samples of 285 people. The qualitative research, data were collected with structured in-depth-interview script from 12 key informants.
Findings were as follows: 1. Secondary school students at Muang District, Uthai Thani Province, by overall, received political socialization at the middle level ( = 3.32). The students had democratic behavior, by overall, at high level ( =3.95). 2. Coefficient of political socialization and democratic behavior of students, by overall, had relationship with the statistically significant level at 0.01. and 3. Application of Sappurisadhamma 7 to promote democratic behavior by the following methods: There should be instilling the youth to have self-responsibility, setting goal to self-development, respecting social rules and regulations, accepting others different opinions, There should be organization of learning process to help students know reasons, pay attention to the interest for all and appropriate expression. There should be news dispatching and presenting truthful things and use reasons and peaceful methods to solve conflicts arisen in the peer groups.
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