Integration, Buddhadhamma, Political ParticipationAbstract
Objectives of this research article were: 1. To study the level of awareness of people's political participation. 2. To compare people opinion classified by personal factors. 3. To study recommendations for guidelines. Promotion of people's awareness of political participation, conducted by the mixed research methods. The quantitative research used questionnaires as a tool to collect data, and qualitative research used an in-depth interview to collect data from 10 key informants and the data were alayzed by content descriptive interpretation.
The research results were found that: 1. The opinion level towards the integration of Buddhist principles to promote people's awareness of political participation was at medium level. The highest aspects were as: opinion was the knowledge of rights, liberties, equality, with an average of 3.49. 2. The results of the comparison of people's opinions were people with different gender, age education, occupation and monthly income had different opinions at statistically significant level of 0.05 accepted the set hypothesis, 3. Recommendations for the integration of Buddhist principles were that Political conversation aspect was to solve the problem of partisanship. Knowledge of the rights and liberties aspect were to enhance knowledge of political expression. Citizenship aspect was to create the knowledge that politics is not far away. Political participation aspect were to educate the importance of political participation.
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