Instructional Plan, Kyozai Kenkyu Process, WeightAbstract
This research aimed to develop the Instructional plan on weight for grade 3 primary students using Kyozai Kenkyu process lesson study and open approach with an emphasis on protocol analysis and analytic description. The target group consisted of four student groups selected by accidental sampling. The research tools were lesson plan, video – recorders, audio – recorders and image recorders. Analytic data were analyzed by four-lesson study cycles to develop Instructional plan obtained by doing Kyozai Kenkyu process in line with the framework of Mitri Inprasit
The results were found that instructional plan were continually developed through in the 1st cycle, teaching materials (wooden beam balance) that used measure weight and activity sheets were not clear. Then, it was difficult to show students’ idea. In the 2nd cycle, activity sheets were more attractive, resulted in students’ bravery to think. After improving wooden beam balance, students’ idea were still not clear. In the 3rd cycle, students gave their many reasons with ideas clearly after using wooden beam balance. However, its fragility was the reason for usability of students and spending time too much. In the 4th cycle, there was change wooden beam balance to iron beam balance. The findings, time to hang was more concise, and students had more time to think and give their reason. These results lead to goals of the lesson plan on weight.
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