Creative Tourism Development, Creative Tourism, Satun UNESCO Global GeoparkAbstract
Objectives of this research article were: 1. To investigate tourism resources that could be utilized for promoting potential to drive creative tourism activities, 2. To develop creative tourism activities, 3. To develop creative tourism routes, and 4. To propose guidelines for management of creative tourism in Satun UNESCO Global Geopark. This study used mixed methods research through qualitative and quantitative research for research result validity.
The major findings indicated that 1. Resources assessed and utilized for promoting potential to drive creative tourism activities in Satun UNESCO Global Geopark could be categorized into natural resources, namely, geological resources and cultural resources, totaling 32 places, 2. The development of creative tourism activities were characterized by the utilization of natural and geological resources, way of life, and local wisdom to create activities for tourists under the consistency with Satun UNESCO Global Geopark, 3. There were four major creative tourism routes that could be developed, covering all areas of Satun UNESCO Global Geopark, 4. The proposed guidelines for creative tourism management in Satun UNESCO Global Geopark included that all parties, both the public and private sectors involved. There should be integration of fundamental amenities and proper utilities should be provided by focusing on community-based participation of local people for preservation of natural resources as well as way of life and culture in a sustainable manner.
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