Phradhammasinghaburachan, Dhamma Heritage, Wat AmphawanAbstract
This academic article aimed to study ideology, dissemination, and Dhamma heritage respecting to Phra Dhammasinghaburachan (Charan Thitithammo), former priest advisor, region 3 and former abbot of Wat Amphawan. The study was conducted through documents, research, and participatory observation. The results indicated that Venerable Charan has been outstanding in his uniqueness of Dhamma dissemination (The Mindfulness Foundations) particularly encouraging human to handle their job properly. He had played an important role to disseminate the Dhamma by training through educating and preaching toward the Karmic law, the Gratitude, the Hospitality, the Regulatory and the social etiquette. His works publicly appeared on various media via televisions, radios, websites, and books, for instance, Cheevit Mai Sin Wang, Kod Hang Kam Dhamma Patibat, etc. It was clear that his works permanently constituted in literature, biography, religious site and also the current meditation center. The lesson learned from the study was to acknowledge his dissemination in a three-aspect; 1) His Dhamma practice was useful in daily life, 2) The benefit of his meditation could heal the mind to be calm, strengthen and wisely affected people to live peacefully, generously, and gratefully, 3) His lessons had impact on the youths and the others life throughout society.
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