Management, Human Resource, Buddhist MethodsAbstract
This academic paper aimed to present Buddhist methods of human resource management (POSDC), which are Buddhist methods of planning (P), Buddhist methods of organization (O), Buddhist methods of personnel management,staffing (S), Buddhist methods of administration, directing (D), and Buddhist methods. supervision, controlling (C) that the Buddha used to govern and manage the affairs of the Sangha during the Buddha's time. To apply the principles of teachings in Buddhism, including principles for recruiting (Recruitment) is the three Papanika Sutras, Dharma principles for development. (Development) is the Threefold Principles and the principle for employee retention (Retention) is the Sangahavattudham which is a tool that binds the mind, compares and applies to human resource management in the modern era that focuses on recruiting, developing and retaining personnel to have knowledge and abilities rather than morality and ethics. If applying the principles of teachings in Buddhism, human resource management will create a balance between knowledge, thoughts and consciousness. Human resources will be resources with both physical and mental potentials. enabling the organization to progress.
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