
  • Yunzhi Zhang Maejo University
  • Napat Ruangnapakul Maejo University
  • Winitra Leelapattana Maejo University
  • Prayong Kusirisin Maejo University


Tourist Satisfaction, Tourist Behavior, Tourists to Chiang Mai


This thesis used Chiang Mai, a tourist destination in Thailand as a case study to find out whether Chinese tourists who visited Chiang Mai, Thailand were satisfied with the tourism industry of Chiang Mai, Thailand based on method with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation about the tourism satisfaction of Chinese tourists in Chiang Mai.

The measures to improve Chinese tourists in Chiang Mai were proposed, namely, 1. Design an evaluation system for Chinese tourists in Chiang Mai to find out if they were satisfied by Chiang Mai's tourism standards through a questionnaire. 2.  Find out the factors influencing the satisfaction of tourists to Chiang Mai with data collected in the questionnaire, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and IPA method. 3. According to the present situation of Chiang Mai tourism industry, put forward measures to promote Chinese tourists’ satisfaction about Chiang Mai tourism. This study would gain the empirical analysis method measures for the development of Chiang Mai's tourism, which can promote long-term sustainable growth of the tourism industry in Chiang Mai.


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How to Cite

Zhang, Y., Ruangnapakul, N., Leelapattana, W., & Kusirisin, P. (2023). RESEARCH ON CHINESE TOURISTS’ SATISFACTION IN CHIANG MAI PROVINCE (THAILAND ). Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 12(3), 415–429. retrieved from