The Rebellion of Merit, King Rama V, Northeastern RegionAbstract
The study on the rebel of merit or spirit of merit in Northeastern region 2011-2012 was a study of important event in Thai history. The event that occurred during the reign of King Rama V. For a long time, rebellious spirits or merits committed by people in a wide area and a large number of people in the Northeastern region was the region with more rebellions than all regions of Thailand along the Northeastern of Isan Udon and NakhonRatchasima and on the left bank of the Mekong River. The man of merit or Phumeebun had the way of expanding his beliefs to get people to join the group as many as possible. The likelihood of such rebellion was very low in the peasant society based on Thai historical data to study the political behavior of various political groups in the past. In terms of political relations, the political system, the process of political power struggle, including the use of power, seeking support and legitimacy. This article focused on studying the political behavior of meritorious groups based on their beliefs to use religious and political power in society to form a political organization to oppose the central government's power from managing the change in the political, economic, social and cultural conditions of Northeastern region.
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