
  • Pornnapa Tiasuthikul Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the royal
  • Napaporn Singnual Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the royal


Management, ManagementCommunity Agro-Tourism


This research was to study community agro-tourism management in Sa Kaeo Province and to suggest guidelines for the community-based agro-tourism management in Sa Kaeo Province, conducted by the qualitative research method. Data were collected from 60 key informants and participants in focus group discussion, namely, community leaders, farmers, agricultural product processors. homestay provider, travel service providers, qualified persons, and concerned executives in Sa Kaeo Province by in-depth-interviewing and analyzed by content descriptive analysis.  

The research findings were as follows: Community agro-tourism management in Sa Kaeo Province, Ban Kaeng Subdistrict, Mueang Sa Kaeo District, Sa Kaeo Province, consisted of tourism service, tourist attraction and facilities support. Agro-tourism activities mainly are farming-based on sufficient economy and growing organic vegetables, processing agricultural products. There were important natural resources such as community forests, medicinal plants, ancient gold ponds and standard homestay. Community agro-tourism management through community leaders and people were vigorous to participate in. Thus, the community received many rewards both at the village and national levels. Suggested guidelines for the community-based agro-tourism management in Sa Kaeo Province was to create the model of community-based management in a form of “Community Agro-tourism Management Committee” which subsequently led to the registration of community agro-tourism enterprises. In addition, it was suggested that strategy, structure, system, staff, skill, style, and shared values should be clear to provide further concrete and sustainable management.


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How to Cite

Tiasuthikul, P. ., & Singnual, N. . (2022). COMMUNITY AGRO-TOURISM MANAGEMENT IN SA KAEO PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 11(4), R152-R165. retrieved from