Strengthening Political Consciousness, Democracy, YouthAbstract
The objectives of this research paper were: 1. To study level of youth’s political consciences at Ayothaya Municipality, Ayutthaya Province, 2. To compare youth’s political consciences in democratic system at Ayothaya Municipality, Ayutthaya Province, and 3. To propose the method for youth’s political consciences building in democratic system at Ayothaya Municipality, Ayutthaya Province, Methodology was the mixed methods: The quantitative research, data were collected with questionnaires that had reliability value at 0.801 from 390 samples who were the young people from 18 to 25 years old living at Ayothaya Municipality, analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, t-test, F-test in case of two groups of independent variables, One Way ANOVA and testing of pared mean differences with Least Significant Difference, LSD. The qualitative research, data were collected from 10 key informants by in-depth-interviewing. Data were analyzed by content descriptive interpretation to confirm the model after the data analysis.
The research findings were as follows: Political Consciousness in Youth Democracy The overall picture is moderate. The comparison was based on personal factors among youth of different sexes, ages, and political conscience in democratic systems. Promoting the rule of law Promotion of rights and liberties and the promotion of equality principles are no different. different levels of education There are different political consciences in democracy. and has the characteristics of citizenship according to the democratic way, consisting of personal skills, coexistence knowledge of democracy By integrating the principles of Saraniya-dhamma 6 as a practical guideline that leads to good political awareness.
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