Sappurisa-dhamma 7, Human Capital, New NormalAbstract
This article aimed at raising awareness of the importance of human capital development in the face of economic and social changes. Also, the adoption of technology or artificial intelligence. with the idea that any organization has human capital with potential, knowledge and abilities that were ready with the change. It would have a business advantage over other organizations. This was a factor that encouraged the organization to achieve its goals according to the strategy as well as being a factor for the development of the organization. Training new employees or personnel using artificial intelligence or technology was a part of helping to develop good human capital and suitable for this new normal working environment. This is coupled with the preparation for human capital development according to Sappurisa-dhamma 7, consisting of 1) Dhammayuta, Knowing the law or knowing he cause 2) Atthanuta, Knowing the Meaning or knowing the purpose 3) Attanyuta, Knowing oneself 4) Mattanyuta, Moderation or Knowing how to be temperate, 5) Kalaññutta, Knowing the proper time 6) Parisanyutta, Knowing the assembly or Knowing the society and 7) Puggalanyuta, Knowing the Individual or Knowing the Individual differences These seven elements are important steps in learning, planning and preparing for the development of human capital within the organization as well to get the right needs and create appropriate development methods. It was important to focus on developing knowledge, skills and retaining personnel or human capital who are both smart and good employees to remain with the organization and grow sustainably.
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