Brahma Viharn 4, leader, AdministrationAbstract
This article aimed to synthesize the concept and theory of applying the 4 Brahma Vihara principles to the organization in order to match the leaders who demonstrate good leadership in accordance with the teachings and leadership with the 4 Brahma Viharas towards their subordinates and organizations. By categorizing the four principles of Brahma Vihara into verses, namely Metta, Karuna, Mudita, Upekkha, each verse reflects the leader. Leaders must recognize the importance of everyone in the organization. There should be peaceful coexistence in the organization without separating any party or being biased in any way. Everyone must be equal to each other even in job promotion to achieve their goal. Therefore, the 4 Brahma Vihara principles is applied to the leaders in power management to know what to do and what not to do. Fair treatment should be imposed to subordinates so they can work according to their abilities and in what they are good at. In order to achieve work efficiency, they should be appreciated and rewarded for their morale so they will continue to work.
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