
  • Nichamon Kwanmueang Siam University
  • Jomphong Mongkhonvanit Siam University
  • Sintawa Kamdit Siam University


Development, Administration, Concept of entrepreneurial University, Private University


The research was the mixed methods research with the objectives to study the current conditions, desirable conditions and need assessment for Thai private university administration according to the concept of entrepreneurial universities and to propose guidelines for development of Thai private university administration according to the concept of entrepreneurial universities. The sample group consisted of 154 private university administrators were selected by cluster sampling and 5 qualified key informants acquired by purposefully selected. The research tool used questionnaire and in-depth-interview script, which were examined for conformality with the objectives of 5 experts and the questionnaires confidence was (Cronbach’s alpha coefficient) = .961. Data were analyzed by using basic statistics such as frequency, mean, standard deviation, priority need index (PNImodified) and content analysis.

The results of the research were as follows: 1. The overall current condition was moderate, and the overall desirable condition was high. The need of development, the first was performance, the second was cooperation network, and the third was intellectual property management. 2. Guidelines for development of Thai private university administration according to the concept of entrepreneurial universities consisted of 6 components and 15 guidelines as follows: 1) Organization management was of 3 guidelines 2) learning management was of 4 guidelines 3) research and innovation development was of 1 guideline, 4) intellectual property management was of 1 guideline 5) cooperation network was of 2 guidelines and 6) performance was of 4 guidelines.


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How to Cite

Kwanmueang, N., Mongkhonvanit, J. ., & Kamdit, S. (2023). THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT OF THAI PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES ACCORDING TO CONCEPT OF ENTREPRENEURIAL UNIVERSITIES. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 12(2), R146-R160. Retrieved from