Promotion and support, Ongoing Mission, Research Center for Local Area in Lamphun ProvinceAbstract
Objectives of this research were: 1. To analyze research results under the project's mission framework in order to use the study results to improve performance in accordance with the duties and powers of the NESDB; 2. To monitor and support 6 research projects to achieve efficiency and 3. To create the utilization of 6 topics research (RE) and the dissemination of the results to the public and 4. To develop the potentials of village researchers and create network partners in various operational level by using a participatory action research model(PAR) through the local research process for communities.(CBR), data analysis method and qualitative research description, quantitative research and both basic and applied research.
It was found that: 1. The project could be closed within the specified period. The research project could be utilized and was summarized the knowledge of the supporting process of research projects for the locality from the beginning until the end of the research project. 2. Monitoring and supporting the research projects in the process to ensure quality could be utilized the knowledge in the local administrative agencies and related agencies, 3. There was an upgrade and development of research knowledge for the local area of Lamphun Province in the preparation of public policies on sustainable agriculture issues and resource management in cooperation with the Office of the National Health Commission (NHSO), agencies, and organizations; and 4. There is potential development of village researchers and creating a network of operational partners to develop the potentials of the staff by participating in activities, presentation of the driving results, and operational workshops.
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