
  • Piboon Sukajatanee Independent Scholar


factors, policies, political parties.


Factors in policy-making of political parties caused by internal factors that are the standpoint of political parties and external factors caused by people's demands to solve problems affect the society and economy of most people are as 1) Strategy is a party strategy that party executives and party committees It is made up of the objectives or standpoints of political parties. It is a broadly defined policy. 2) Appealed is a policy set up to resolve recurring problems. It is a specific policy. 3) Imposed policy is a policy caused by pressure, such as the influence of the government. law Influence groups and associations 4) Implied or Implied. It is a policy resulting from the analysis of existing management and that the old policies that ever used Can it be used and solved people's problems really or not.


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How to Cite

Sukajatanee, P. . (2022). FACTORS IN POLICY-MAKING AND OPERATION OF POLITICAL PARTIES. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 11(5), A84-A93. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/255736