Development, Buddhists, The Buddhist principles, IntegrateAbstract
The objectives of the dissertation were as follows: 1. To study the development of Thai Buddhists at present, 2. To study the Buddhist principles supporting the development of Thai Buddhists at present, 3. To integrate the Buddhist principles in the development of Thai Buddhists at present, and 4. To propose a guideline on “A model for the development of Thai Buddhists at present with Buddhist principles”. The data of this documentary qualitative study were collected by in-depth interviewing 16 key informants who were experts in Buddhism and from 6 participants in focus group discussions, The data were analyzed, synthesized and then concluded and presented in a descriptive interpretation method.
The results of the study were found that at present the state of Thai Buddhists, lacked development and performing of Buddhists on these duties. Use Buddhist principles for integrate the development training, practice, propagation and protection by wisdom, Hiri and Ottatappa, Sappurisadhamma and Attha and Four Noble Truths. The body of knowledge obtained can be concluded into “MAN MODEL”. The integration of Buddhist principles is appropriate because adjust their attitude to realize the true duty of Buddhists, to lead them perform the Buddhist duty actively and effectively, Related agencies supported in various formats. It could be concluded that Buddhist principles integration is a method of complete developing Buddhist duties in all 4 dimensions.
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