Remedial measures, Epidemic, Covid-19 virusAbstract
This academic article aimed to study the remedial measures that people have received from the COVID-19 pandemic, and to study the opinions of the people on the treatment of the government. It was found that the pandemic situation in Thailand had affected both the government, private sector, the public and various entrepreneurs which had greatly affected life, economy, society and politics. and measures to help continuously in terms of remedial measures reduce the burden of expenses and payment moratorium by various measures that the government has healed the people.It is a fundamental right that people should be entitled to under the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, BE 2550 (2007), mentioning the right to receive public health services and welfare from the state. This includes allocating quality vaccines to be injected to people. The money that peoples received and spet it. Causing money to circulate in the Thai economy However, the disadvantages of the implementation of the project was that the relief measures to help people may not be in accordance with the needs of the people because they cannot be withdrawn in cash the problem of crisis that affected daily life was the decrease of incomes. When there were remedial measures, people thought they could help during unemployment and help alleviate the impact on their lives Therefore, at the end of the program, people will not continue to be healed even if the pandemic persists. The government should have a plan to support what will happen in the future.
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