Successful Modeling, Prototype Citizen, Angthong ProvinceAbstract
This qualitative research article had the objectives to investigate the basic information and the context of citizens of Angthong Province., and to analyze the successful factors and conditions and to synthesize the successful model of the prototype citizens development of Angthong Province. The target group was 14 active citizens. and 20 stakeholders who were related to the issues totaling 34 persons. Data were collected by in-depth-interviewing.
The results of the research were found that presently, Angthong Province had the strategic plan focusing on enhancing the people’s quality of life that supported the prototype citizens who could develop themselves into the international work. However, there was the weakness related to cooperation of private sector mechanism. The policy of the province focused on developing the human resource directedly and concretely less than the people demands Although, the role was the successful factor in citizen development, the government roles were more expected to support the active prototype citizens development than the other parts. The government should properly generate welfare to meet the demands. It should be the productive welfare which supports participation. The private sector should support the technology knowledge. The civil society should have the forwarded the knowledge continuously passing to the networks who created activities. And the community sector should focus on the activity participation. The successful condition was the value in knowledge for successful building the prototype citizen development by the mechanisms, tools, and processes. Finally, the synthesis result was the model suited to the important components such as: roles, values, and successful mechanism.
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