Active Ageing, ElderlyAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1. To study the expectation of quality of life, 2. To study the improvement of quality of life, and 3. To find the potential of the elderly in Mueang Ranong District, Ranong Province. This was a documentary research and collected information from many sources such as books, journals, documents, theses, research papers, related publications including using content analysis methods and presented the research results by descriptive and analytical methods.
The results of the research were as follows: 1. The expectation of the quality of life of the elderly consisted of physical health They wanted to be promoted for the welfare of physical and mental health. They wanted to be recognized for their self-worth, social aspect and they wanted to be encouraged to participate in social and economic activities with the need for stability in life 2. For improving the quality of life of the elderly through physical power It was found that the improvement of the quality of life of the elderly with the power of participation by providing activities. Organized meetings to determine guidelines for organizing activities for the elderly to share their opinions and developing Ranong City to be a health tourism city. The elderly was assessed for their physical health. 2) The competence in participation. The elderly has jobs, participated in activities, groups, clubs for the elderly. 3) Active ageing in security. by occupational elders have sufficient income, 4) Environment inducive to active ageing
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