community networks, novice network, youth network, reduce risk factors, BuddhismAbstract
Objectives of the research article were to develop community networks, novice network and youth network to organize network promoting activities to reduce risk factors according to Buddhism in Samut Songkram Province. using mixed methods, focusing on Participatory Action Research, PAR, collecting and analyzing data by both quantitative and qualitative methods.
Findings of the study were found that: The results of community network development was found that monasteries, monks, communities, government agencies jointly organized as network to perform activities of mind undertaking, spiritual ordination as perfection of strong determination to reduce, discard and quit drinking alcoholic drinks, quit smoking, all through Buddhist Lent with spiritual prayer activities. ordained, pray, prestige quit drinking and smoking throughout the Buddhist Lent with liquor pouring, cigarette burning with slogan “quit liquor, stop cigarette, reduce risk”. Network development. The results of network development were as follows: 1) Important Buddhist days "Asarnha Bucha Day - Buddhist Lent Day" were used as a driving mechanism to initiate the beginning day to pledge that the 3 months during the Buddhist Lent intending to do good things, affirming the intention that were useful for the health of oneself and those around him, 2) using the importance of the monasteries as the centers of the community for organizing the activities, 3) use the network process as guideline or method to drive for acceptance and lead to holistic compliance, forming a model as a whole network and generating creative power, 4) public communication through public relations to promote campaigns create a picture of awareness and alertness to follow or not to follow what was not useful but follow what was useful.
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