learning manager, digital civil officer, competencyAbstract
The research objectives were to develop: 1. Program to establish leaning managers competency toward digital civil servant policies and 2. Policy recommendations regarding the establishment of leaning managers’ competency. The research processes were conducted in 2 stages: 1) checked the feasibility of implementing the proposed program to establish learning managers’ competency using a focus group discussion with 17 experts and 2) found an agreement among five education administrators using Cohen's Kappa Coefficient.
Findings were found that experts agreed that established program wre feasible and practical. The program comprised PAM model, AUD process, and DIGIT technique. Moreover, it was appropriate and feasible in term of policy implementation with the interrater reliability of 0.647 The policies to develop the learning managers’ competency was proposed in form of the value chain. The beginning of the value chain is the development of leaders and role models using a personal development plan for excellence and career growth. The middle of the value chain was the creation of the leaning ecology that was balancing, challenging, and developing continuously. The end of the chain was the enhancement of learning organization to innovate organization.
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