
  • Noraphat SoaThongtong Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phra Udomsittinayok (Kumphol Kunungkaro) Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Apinyar Chatchorfa Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Naypyidaw, Fortification system, 7 Military strategic districts.


This research paper aims to study the reasons for myanmar's capital relocation in various dimensions. Related documents and interviews

          The results showed that: 1. The establishment of the Continental Combat Command Center; There are some notable traits: 1) Being dominant in depth defensively; While the West is superior in terms of capacity and manpower, showing decisive military victory by taking over the capital, which is deep in the land, will benefit myanmar soldiers using guerrilla tactics and deep-line defenses, 2) placing a blockade defense system against the crowds, taking advantage of proper geopolitical characteristics, 3) having the right geopolitics. It consists of mountain ranges and streams which are difficult to fight in 4) Western Hemisphere counterattack processes (1) crowd distribution strategies (2) military counterattack reactions 5) Creation of artificial fortification systems, military strategy against external invaders 6) System placement 7 Military strategic areas 2. It was found that the fertility of the area around Naypyidaw was suitable for agriculture, resulting in the Myanmar military being able to use the area to accumulate supplies for long-term combat against foreign forces. 3. Cultural aspects: 1) Erasure of images of old capitals that were once occupied by the British 2) Establishment of new spiritual centers 3) Cultural penetration into the Salawan Basin lands 4) Religion was used as a symbolic tool (1) Granting special ecclesiastical titles (2) Cultural assimilation 5) Cultural integration between Burmese culture and local cultures by various states.


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How to Cite

SoaThongtong, N. ., (Kumphol Kunungkaro), P. U. ., & Chatchorfa, A. . (2022). THE RELOCATION OF THE CAPITAL IN MYANMAR. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 11(4), R312-R326. retrieved from