Gastronomy Tourism, Local Food, LannaAbstract
Tourism is a service industry. that generates huge income for the economy continuously Food income is part of the tourism industry. Culinary tourism is a new form of tourism that helps to pass the local food culture of each area to sustainable tourism. As well as to preserve the culture and way of life of the local people, there are also some groups of tourists who choose attractions from local food as well. Lanna food tourism will make tourists will study the food paths. From find ingredients, producing to tasting food. In addition, one dish also depicts the way of life and culture. as well as bringing the recipes that have been inherited and developed by applying the traditional Lanna menu together with modern innovations to create a menu that decorated food with exquisite refinement but still tastes like the original by focusing on the concept of food tourism Lanna local food Types of traditional Lanna food Traditional Lanna food tourism model Traditional Lanna food that is popular with tourists. The development of innovative Lanna traditional food to be more modern and international. to be used as a selling point and create added value in tourism development which will have a positive effect on the economy improving the quality of life for the local people, which will lead to the sustainability of Lanna traditional food. The development of innovative Lanna traditional food to be more modern and international. to be used as a selling point and create added value in tourism development which will have a positive effect on the economy improving the quality of life for the local people, which will lead to the sustainability of Lanna traditional food. The development of innovative Lanna traditional food to be more modern. to be used as a selling point and create added value in tourism development which will have a positive effect on the economy improving the quality of life for the local people, which will lead to the sustainability of Lanna traditional food.
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