Management, Suffering Collection, SufferingAbstract
This research paper intended to study management, compare comments, issues, obstacles and recommendations for the management of alms bowl- suffering collection methods, conducted by the mixed methods. The quantitative research collected data from 398 samples who were people in Saphan Soong District, Bangkok Metropolis with questionnaires and analyzed data with frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation. The qualitative research, data were collected from 8 key informants and analyzed by content descriptive interpretation.
Findings were that; 1. People had opinions on the management of suffering collection by alms bowl collection method, by overall, were at high level. 2. The results showed that people of different genders, ages, occupations and monthly incomes had different opinions on the management of suffering collection by alms-bowl collection method with statistically significant level at 0.05, while people with different education levels did not have different opinions, 3. Problems, obstacles, and recommendations for the management of the suffering collection by alms bowl collection method of Wat Lad Bua Khao. Saphan Soonng District, Bangkok Metropolis were found that the problems and obstacles were that there was not understanding of the problems of the counselor, there was no survey and consideration of the options. The suggestion was that there should be discussions, the problem should be thoroughly explored, the urgency should be considered.
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