Development, Efficiency, Ethics PromotionAbstract
Objectives of this article were to study the effectiveness and factors affecting to the effectiveness and to propose effectiveness development of ethics promotion of the lawyer council under the royal patronage. The methodology was mixed research methods: Quantitative research conducted by studying the 400 samples and. Qualitative research conducted by in-depth interviewing 18 key informants and 9 participants in focus group discussion.
The research findings were as follows: 1. The effectiveness of ethics promotion of the lawyers council under the royal patronage by overall was at high level with the mean was at 4.12 and standard deviation was at 0.71, 2. The factors of ethics promotion and 4 Gharāvāsa-dhamma affected to the effectiveness development of ethics promotion of the lawyers council under the royal patronage and could explain the variations up to 37.50% and 3. The effectiveness development of ethics promotion of the lawyers council under the royal patronage was unity in the organization include equal organization and harmonious, adaptation of the organization to the environment include being an ethical organization, there was a dynamic work process and there was an external ethical network, adaptation of the organization to the society include being an organization for society, social and cultural adaptation and being an organization that was accepted by society and finally, the output of organization include all stakeholders benefit fairly, the organization has qualified lawyers and fewer ethical complaints.
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