Model, Teaching and Learning Management, Moral MonksAbstract
Objectives of this dissertation were to analyze the general condition, factors and to present the development. Methodology was the mixed methods; the qualitative research method collected data from 18 key informants by in-depth-interview and 10 participants in focus group discussion and analyzed data by content descriptive interpretation. the quantitative method collected data from 181 samples from 240 students and analyzed data with frequency, percentiles, means and standard deviation, SD.
The research findings were as follow; 1) Most of the Buddhist monks had 5-10 years of rain retreats. They were monks aged between 31-40 years old and were subordinate monks aged between 22-30 years. Formal educational background was lower than a bachelor's degree They had the highest academic qualifications, which were bachelor’s degrees, a master's degree, Pali studies 3 - 6, and had 5–10 years experiences in teaching morality in schools. 2. Learning and teaching management of the morality teaching monks in schools, the areas with the highest average were characteristics and attitudes, followed by the measurement and evaluation of the curriculum content. In teaching and learning management and the lowest average was the production of media and the use of teaching media. 3) The teaching and learning management model of morality teaching monks in schools in Chumphon Province consisted of 5 aspects which were summarized as a Special Model.
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