
  • Phongsakorn Amsa-ard Rajamangala University of Technology


Paradigm, Change Management, Strategic Change, Resistance to Change, Postmodern Era


This article aimed to review the foundations of knowledge about concepts, theories, models and mechanisms of change management by reviewing various literature. Related to the conceptual framework and paradigm of organizational change management in the postmodern era in which modern organizations have adopted the concept of a strategic change management model. From the synthesis of concepts and theories of change management, it was found that the development of change management in the post-modern era consists of The ability to recognize changes in management building awareness Creating a driving force for internal needs educating capacity building and the maintenance of change This article describes the principles and styles of change management in the modern era for organizations to be successful.


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How to Cite

Amsa-ard , P. . (2021). CONCEPT AND PARADIGM of CHANGE MANAGEMENT IN POSTMODERN ERA. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 10(4), 339–349. retrieved from