Buddhadhamma Principle, Management, Conservation TourismAbstract
The Article was to study the general state, the Buddhadhamma principle, and present the model of the Buddhadhamma principle use in the ecotourism management of community in Samutsongkhram province. This qualitative research.
Found that 1) The general state, such as to have the natural resources and good environment to support the career creation and income from tourism, and more interesting for ecotourism from tourists, etc. 2) The use of the Buddhadhamma principle for management found that covered the Buddhist way to promote the right livelihood and way of life in 4 aspects that consist of Utthanasampada, Arukkhasampada, Kalyanamittata and Samajivita. 3) The model of the Buddhadhamma principle use in the ecotourism management of community in Samutsongkhram Province, are 4G -1P-3A model or 4 principles and 1 principle, 3 processes by 4G or 4 groups are the stakeholder network, and 1P or 1 principle such as principle of Titthadhammikatthanaprayoth (Virtues Conducive to benefits in the present) and 3A or 3 stages, consists of A1: Awareness is to realize to know the role, duty and harmony. A2: Activity is the activity to create and cultivate the good public mind as good host, activity to keep the standard for quality service, activity for friendly service and activity for service with honesty and hospitality. A3: Achievement is the effectiveness or the success to create the consciousness in conservation to community, the success to create the satisfaction to the tourists and the success of participation creation of stakeholders or is called as “Good Consciousness–Satisfaction –Participation”.
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