Saraniyadhamma, Organizational Commitment, MunicipalityAbstract
Objectives of this research were to study the organizational commitment, study the factors that affected the organizational commitment and propose the main application model of Saraniyadhamma to promote corporate engagement of municipal personnel, conducted by the mixed methods: The quantitative research used a questionnaire with the confidence value of 0.973, to collect data from a sample group of 470 municipal personnel in Nakhonratchasima Province. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and structural equation model (SEM) analysis using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The qualitative method, data were collected from 17 key informants and analyzed by analyzing descriptive content and 9 participants in focus group discussion to confirm the model after data synthesis.
The results of the research were as follows: 1. The organizational commitment of the personnel was at very level. 2. Factors affecting the organizational engagement of personnel were found that the organization engagement and the motivation to work. Through the principle of Saraniyadhamma 6, it affected the organizational commitment of the overall personnel by 68% and 3. A model for applying Saraniyadhamma principles to promote organizational engagement of personnel was found that personnel engagement had two fundamental factors: operational motivation and organizational engagement. By applying the principle of Saraniyadhamma 6 in order to promote greater engagement with the organization.
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