Development, National Security, Armed Forces Development CommandAbstract
The objectives of this research article were to study National security development of the Armed Forces Development Command, to analyze Dhamma Principles for developing national security and to present the development of the national security development of the Armed Forces Development Command using Mixed Methods: The quantitative research, data were collected from 394 samples with questionnaires and analyzed data with statistics: percentage, mean, standard deviation. The qualitative research, data were collected from 25 key informants with in-depth-interview scripts and analyzed by descriptive interpretation. The findings of the study revealed that: 1. Building a National Security by the arm force Development Command by constructing standard communication roads water resources, occupation in community, large plot farming promotion encouraging people to congregate and systematic group planning, 2. Dhamma principles for the development of national security by using Apparihaniyadhamma 7, focusing on meeting cooperating in make a joint resolution, respecting the elders, yielding cooperation, resources allocation, using facilities in line with the needs of the people, listening to suggestions and using cooperation to build immunity in the community. 3. Development of national security, applying the philosophy of sufficiency economy was that people extended appropriate livelihood, promoting people to organize and create occupations for people, promoting the use of limited resources, systematic developing plans and projects for the highest benefits for the people.
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