Integration, Buddhist Principle, Development, Sufficiency Economy VillageAbstract
The objectives of this research article was propose integrating guideline of Buddhist principle for Sufficiency Economy Village development at Tak Fah District, Naknonsawan Province. The research by mixed methods research. The quantitative method, data were collected from 297 samples derived from the populations of 1,147 people by questionnaires with reliability value at 0.889.The qualitative method, data were collected from 8 key informants and analyzed by descriptive interpretation. Findings were that, the aspect of moral condition, there was honesty, righteousness, unity with no corruption. The aspect of sufficiency, there was step planning process, using mindfulness, analytical thinking, economic spending and saving know-how. The aspect of immunity, there was rule abiding with common awareness, diligence, patience, saving, occupational promotion. The aspect of knowledge condition, there was knowledge promotion and training. The aspect of reason condition, there was participatory problem solving through the community forum. The aspect of natural resources and environment, there was transferring knowledge of alternative energy source and reserving awareness. The aspect of economy condition, there was honesty, righteousness with no corruption, career training and family account making. The aspect of learning condition, there was village socialization with community plans and networks for knowledge and local wisdom transformation with appropriate technology and the spirit and social condition, there was participation in community works, adhering to democratic principle, conflict reduction and right and welfares access.
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