
  • Ashin Aggacara Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Boonton Dockthaisong Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Sman Ngamsnit Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Development, Community, Iddhapada4


Objectives of this research were to study the general process of community development of Venerable Sitagu Sayadaw Nyãnissara, to study the factors affecting Community Development of Venerable Sitagu Sayadaw Nyãnissara and the guideline for improve community development of Venerable Sitagu Sayadaw Nyãnissara. This research was applied by mixed methods. The qualitative research was conducted by in-depth interviewing 20 keys informants and 9 participants in focus group discussion and data were analyzed by analytic induction technique. The quantitative research was conducted by collecting data from 280 samples with questionnaires with reliability coefficient value at 0.969. Statistics used to analyze data were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Findings were that the overall general process of community development of Venerable Sitagu Sayadaw Nyãnissara was satisfied by many factors. However there were many issues in the community development which needed to be improved by the multiple co-operations, Factors affecting Community Development that consisted of 6 processes: planning at current and future, organizing for valuable business, staffing for staff development program, directing for evolution of risk plan in business, coordinating for relationship with the international countries and control for the significant controlling. And Iddhipada 4-dhamma: Chanda, aspiration, Viriya, effort in community development, Citta, attention for clear goal of the community development and, Vimansa, examination in the community development. The guideline for community development should include Myanmar government, local people participation, and cooperation with International Organizations; leading to sustainable community development.


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How to Cite

Aggacara, A., Dockthaisong, B. ., & Ngamsnit, S. (2020). COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OF VENERABLE SITAGU SAYADAW NYANISSARA. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 9(4), 114–126. retrieved from