Academic Reading Engagement, Late Adolescence, Expectancy-Value TheoryAbstract
The objectives of this research article were to test the causal model of academic environment perceptions on academic reading engagement in late adolescence, in which identity, self-efficacy and value of reading as a mediator and to examine the direct and indirect effects of academic environment perceptions through identity, self-efficacy and value of reading. A self-report questionnaire was employed to collect data from three hundred and sixty undergraduate students. Average age was 20 years old from Rajabhat University in central region and path analysis was performed to analyze the tested model and to estimate the parameters. The results revealed that overall goodness-of-fit statistical analysis showed the tested model of academic reading engagement was good fit with the empirical data. Academic environment perceptions, identity, self-efficacy and value of reading positively influenced academic reading engagement and those factors explain the variance of academic reading engagement 66%. These results were consistent with the research hypothesis and based on the expectancy-value theory and suggested that academic environment perceptions, identity, self-efficacy and value of reading could be applied in further academic reading engagement intervention program in late adolescence.
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